
Sehun and Lu Han Christmas-centric fanfic fest

General Information & FAQ

General Information:

Jinglebellselu is a prompt-based Christmas/Winter themed fic fest which means the authors (participants) are given a list of prompts compiled by the mods.

We will be using Korean Standard Time (GMT +9) in this event.

In the event of plagiarism any evidences or proof will result in the fic being taken down and the author will be contacted

🎄Fanfic must be related to CHRISTMAS or WINTER SEASON
The fic must focus on Sehun and Luhan, side pairings are optional depending on the prompter or the writer.

🎄For prompting period, we will give you list of things related to Christmas or winter season to help you with your prompt.

Anyone can send more than 1 prompt if they like however it must always be through the Google Form provided.

🎄Prompting will be done anonymously via Google Forms.

We wanted to make sure that everyone's prompts will be heard!

🎄Claiming prompts is a first come first server basis.
We encourage every writer must choose 3 prompts (just in case his/her first pick is already taken). Writers can also write 2 prompts at the same time just make sure to let the mods know.

🎄Prompt claiming goes the entire period of Jingbellselu
If a writer joins later for whatever their reason is, the writer must be willing to commit.

🎄We will send you your email confirmation within 24 hours (or less).
Once email is received you can start working on your fic.

🎄Fanfic must have a Minimum of 1000 word count in total.
First check-in must have at least 800 word counts at the least. Second Check-In must have 1000.

🎄All fics must be sent through email when checking in.
You can post the fanfic into the body of the email with WORD COUNT and USERNAME in the subject line

🎄If English is not your first language
If a beta is needed, kindly tell the mods ahead of time so we can help you look for betas.

🎄Make sure to include proper warnings in your submission.
This goes for prompts and for fanfics please properly tag and have the appropriate warnings. The theme of this fest is CHRISTMAS and WINTER.

The mods will review and remove submissions that do not treat sensitive topics with discretion and care.

🎄DON'T post your stories to your other sites until after reveal post
Please don’t tell anyone else about your fic. (unless you trust that they won’t tell any other soul) This is a fanfic fest where every submission is treated like a gift! Let's all open it together.

🎄If possible please leave encouraging words for all the writers (they will greatly appreciate it!)

🎄Deadlines and Extensions
In an event where you can't submit your work on time, please let us know we will give you an extension!

🎄Dropping Out
If in an event you wish to drop out of the event you must contact us. There are no consequences if one drops out.

🎄Self Prompting
You can write stories from prompts that aren't on our archives. We will be linking a different Google Form. However we do encourage you to choose a prompt from our archives.

🎄 Final Submissions
Final submissions must be sent via email. The works will be added to the AO3 collection for the corresponding round.

The authors will be added to the fanfic as we uploaded online. They will have access to edit their fanfic before we post.

Prompting Guidelines

This is not a fic exchange, which means anyone can send their prompts just make sure that it is related to Christmas or Winter Season. You can send as many prompts as they want. For everybody's convenience in thinking of a prompt to send we will make a list of words that’s related to our theme. Hopefully these words will be of help to you.

Side pairing is not a problem but if possible we only allow one side pairing (two if it’s really necessary) so that the fic will be centered to Sehun/Luhan’s story only.

Since it is Christmas-themed fest we refrain you from sending prompts containing rape/non-con, and extreme descriptions of gore. Let’s try to make this a joyous occasion!

🎄If your prompt contains any triggering or sensitive topics
please label it properly!

🎄Trigger warning/Sensitive topics include:
character death, gore, suicide, humiliation, war, depression, abortion, abuse (verbal or physical), mental illness, self-harm, rape, or other possible sensitive material.

🎄Please avoid sending vague prompts
It can cause confusion to the writers. Be descriptive, but not too specific! Give enough details so that the writer will add their own take to the prompt and make it come alive.

🎄Prompt submission will be through Google forms
Mods will screen all prompts before we include them in our prompt archives.

Any prompt that contains these themes will not be added to the masterlist.

If you have any further questions about prompting you can ask them on our Curiouscat! Link is below

Dates to Remember

🎄Prompting Opens: JUL 19
🎄Prompting Closes: AUG 9
🎄Prompt Claiming Begins: AUG 15